What I’ve picked up so far.

    It’s been about a week since my last blog, and a week is the longest I wanna go without writing a blog to you guys.    This week I wanna talk about what I’ve learned and picked up while practicing coding. I’m about a week in to my 100daysofcode challenge with free code […]

Lets Try this again!

Hey everyone! So i’m sorry I went m.i.a for a while. I had some issues with my computer and had a few bumps in the road that derailed me from blogging, but i’m back and i’m gonna do everything I can to stay more current on this blog. I feel like i’m in a better […]

Why I love Bootstrap..and more..

I finally have my first project up created and ready to be linked to my portfolio! Albeit it isn’t some flashy great project, nor is my portfolio,but everyone starts somewhere. Finishing that project made me so happy and I already have another to work on,which hopefully turns out just as good and I can keep […]

Makin moves!

So if you’ve been following along I’ve hit a few personal bumps along the past few weeks..I got frustrated and down on myself..and I used that this weekend..Friday night I dove in and completely spearheaded building my portfolio! Although pretty basic and plain and using guides to help me figure out when I’d get stuck..I […]

Feel like I’ve said this before🤦‍♂️

It’s getting harder and harder to go to this 9-530 warehouse job..it’s not a bad job,the people aren’t bad..it’s just.,not enough..I’m not hallenged,I’m not happy,and it’s not what I want to be doing at all…all my life I’ve been told I have to work to pay the bills..while that’s important,is that really all there is […]

I just wanna code

So today is one of those difficult days when I’d much rather be at home studying, building, creating, and looking for a web dev job..instead I’m at a job that,although not a bad job or bad co-workers..it’s so far from what I want to be doing. I work in a warehouse, which makes it even […]

I failed

Hey guys…so clearly I’ve failed already at being able to keep the blogs going…I apologize and will do my best to do much better. I set an expectation for myself which wasn’t realistic and I overwhelmed myself. So I’ve decided I’ll just do the best I can and write what I feel like I can […]

It Begins

Hey everyone, Welcome to my first blog post. I’m really not sure where this is gonna go or how I’m going to do this, but we’ll play it by ear and see where things lead. Obviously if you’re here you’re aware that this is to discuss my web development journey. I’ve been studying web development […]